My 2015!

In February I went to the beuatiful country France. It was such a great experience and I really loved it there and the food was really good. Not to mention I've always dreamt of visiting France so I was really hyped when we boarded the plane at Arlanda. Although leaving France was a nightmare because it was dark so the lights made Paris really beuatiful and it felt like I lost everything when we took off ... But lifegoal, check!

Music has played (pun not intended) a big part of my life this year (last year as well tho). I don't think I've gone a single day without any music. Mostly because music is, for me, the best medicine and it's very helpful whenever I'm down or in a bad mood. I'll give you a "My Spotify"-thing at the end of this post and Spotify My Year In Music will tell you more aout my music routine. I've also seen some weird Spotify fails like this one.

May 2nd I went to Stockholm with my friend (@princesszekrom on Instagram) to attend SplayDay where we met a lot of awesome YouTubers such as Hampus Hedström (STILL can't believe I met him), Moa Murderess, IJWTBC and I met Rackartygaran twice(!) that weekend. Two more lifegoals, check!

4. Lifesavers
My closest friends (aka lifesavers) have been amazing this year. They gave me strenght when I needed it and most of you are still a part of my life. But if you're a part of my life or not doesn't matter because I don't know what I would've done without you guys (you know who you are) nevertheless I am so thankful for you. Thank you, I love you ♥

This year I started High School and it's one of the best things that has ever happened to me because of multiple reasons. For example am I no longer going to the same school as ANY of my former friends or haters (thank god) and I've gotten some new really good friends.
ALTHOUGH I've kind of lost connection with some really good friends from elementary and I've met som really big slintheads so there's both positive and negative. But in the end it's mostly positive.

6. Road to Desistance
As you all might know I went to Road to Desistance in October and it was a very emotional and special concert in many different ways. And I got some new really good friends (aka The Crying Squad). More about the concert > here < In swedish though ...

7. Mockingjay Part 2
In September the last part of The Hunger Games trilogy came and I went to the midnight screening with my friend. It was epic! Such great actors and good effects and what not ... I just can't describe my love for the Hunger Games franchise in words or anything for that matter. But you can read more about how I feel about THG and the premiere of Mockingjay Part 2

And last but not least, here's my top 9 songs 2015
Well, that's it for this year Pearheads,
Happy New Year!